Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Celiac Journey: Part 2.5 -- biopsy and home to wait

We're home now, and thoroughly exhausted. It was an very early morning, and even with things going smoothly it is exhausting. Everything did go as smoothly as one can expect. Dr. Grothe did the biopsies and came to talk to us. While Celiac cannot be diagnosed visually during an endoscopy, she did say she saw some evidence of Celiac during the procedure. We will find out the results of the biopsies on Thursday (some time after 3 p.m.).

The only rough part this morning was after Nessa came back from the procedure and was waking up from the anesthesia, and became extremely upset when we removed her from the bed. It took her about a half an hour to stop crying and calm down so she could drink some juice and eat a freeze pop. She remained emotional the rest of the day. I think (hope!) she is sleeping peacefully now.

We'll update when we know anything.

For those that read last night's post and know about Mayo, you may have wondered ... yes, I made an error, and we were indeed at St. Mary's and not Methodist today.

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