Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Playing with my new toy is fun

Nessa played with this toy at a friend's house a few weeks ago and then the next weekend Shawn and I found one at a rummage sale.

Nessa has enjoyed it in the "kick and play" position for awhile now and today I moved it to the "sit and play" position for the first time.

Nessa enjoyed watching the balls spin around and then catching a ball as it went down the chute. When she couldn't grab a ball in her hands or dropped them then she would get frustrated so that wasn't too fun, but she's learning every day so it's all good.


Anonymous said...

I've hit the photo jackpot today!
Glad Nessa has found a kick and whirl carnival of her very own. Megan looked way to cute to be scary as a witch.
I like the new comment setup.

rae rae said...

Great pictures... I loved your girls' halloween costumes... thanks for sharing!