Monday, January 07, 2008

And on the 12th day of Christmas ... we rested

I originally had great plans for Epiphany Sunday ... in addition to taking down the Christmas decorations I was going to update the blog with everything that has been keeping us busy, post more holiday photos, and finally post all of the half-written blog entries currently on my laptop. Instead, the girls and I went out for an early lunch while Shawn was singing at the second service, I took a nap, and we pretty much had a lazy day and evening.

Now the holidays are officially over and we're all back to our regular schedules ... and no overnight travels are planned for a bit. So, with any luck, I should be able to slowly catch up throughout January between trying to get my girls to stop growing out of clothes and attempting to meet an elusive work deadline.

Until then, I'll just complain about the weather some more because that is what we do in WI/MN. If you haven't heard, we are experiencing a January thaw, and yes that is something to complain about. I was happy to be rid of the below zeros temps we were experiencing just last week, but to now swing up to the 40s as we did this weekend ... things are a wet mess and I'm SO tired of the fog. Yuck! All that snow ... melts quite quickly in 40 degree weather. And Nessa had just become accustomed to bundling up and now she doesn't really have to, but will have to again shortly ... with a toddler that likes things to stay the same that can be tricky. And forget about ever getting the ten year old to actually wear hat and mittens when not actively playing in the snow (What? I can get cold walking in and out of buildings and cars?). Besides this just messes up my internal calendar ... this is March weather and not January weather. Be ready for more complaining when it snows in March/April.

By the way life is pretty good when all we have to complain about is the weather. ;-)

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