Thursday, September 01, 2005

Work, work, work...

Shawn here. Big news at work today...Firstlogic is being acquired by Pitney Bowes. It has to pass regulatory scrutiny and all that, but by the beginning of next month or so I should be an employee of "Firstlogic, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pitney Bowes". From what I can tell, it shouldn't mean too much change for me day-to-day. I'm not worried about losing my job (the real asset of a software company is not the source code, it's the people who developed and know the source code), or being forced to relocate (PB is a global company with offices all over the place; the last 8+ companies they've acquired in however long are all still doing business in their original locations)--in fact, I'm strangely calm about it all, despite the fact that I hadn't heard anything until two days ago, even though rumors have supposedly been swirling for months. A few folks will probably lose their jobs eventually, but I don't think there will be many/any programmers, testers, etc. among them. For now, it's still "I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go" for me.

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