Monday, April 21, 2008

The Post With Lots of Bad Puns for a Title, But No Good Ones...

I got to cantor at church last Saturday evening. Our senior pastor was away, and our interim associate pastor does not sing, so she asked me a few weeks ago if I would be the cantor. It was fun to sing the parts of the liturgy one usually only hears.

Since I was going to be there anyway, I volunteered to read the lessons as well, which I do regularly for the early Sunday service. I figured that the attendees would be heartily sick of me by the end of the service, but apparently not. I received several nice comments, and I overheard one woman telling the pastor “He has such a lovely voice.” I will never get used to people saying that! (I heard the opposite way too often when I was younger.)

It was a nice change of pace in a crazy month. As I told a few folks, “April is going by at such a gallop, it was nice to take an evening to cantor.” And it looks like I might get another opportunity in a month or two…

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