Saturday, March 22, 2008

Overheard: Nessa

This morning in the hallway, Nessa: "I'm going to sit here and pout for awhile."

Various times throughout the day:


"If you like me, I like you."


"Daddy said..."


"I love you."

"but I don't like you."

"Can I please watch a dvd please?" (these days it's often specific to Dragon Tales but we still get the general one too ... including just now before I sat down to start this)

"Mommy said..."


"If you like me, I like you."

"But, Jen said ..."

"I don't like that anymore."


"Well, sure!"

"You know, *well* you *know* I don't like that."

"I'll tell you later, kay."

"I need something to help me sleep."


"That won't help me sleep." (said about whatever stuffed animal helped her sleep last time ... they rarely work two nights in a row)

"because there are monsters"


"If you like me, I like you."

"Well, ... [insert 2 paragraphs of toddler reasoning] I don't think so."

"Daddy, sing the monsters away .... PLEASE."

Looking at the food she asked for earlier and clearly upset about it: "Can you give me something I like!"


"I love you too, Mommy/Daddy/Megan"

1 comment:

Janeen said...

Aww, see, she's got hair and it looks like she's caught up quite well to Natalie. You should check out the slideshow on my site and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway, at least yours ASKS you to put the DVD in. Natalie can put her own VHS tapes into the VCR, no help needed from us there and is not doing too badly with the DVD player as long as the TV is already set up for it. She hasn't quite figured out how to get the TV to the DVD mode. Not by lack of trying though!