Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Can you see Nessa's first tooth?

Not bad for a one-handed of photo while trying to keep baby hands and food of the camera... click to enlarge

It was Tuesday afternoon and it was snack time for "the girls" (Many Tuesdays Megan has her three friends over after school). Nessa was in her high chair and I had warmed up one of her foods so I stirred it with my finger to test the temperature and then let her lick my finger ... for the first time it wasn't all gums. The lower left front tooth had popped through! I let Megan feel it after she washed her hands, and yep it was a tooth. :-)

Shawn, always good at timing, called right then (he's in CA for a training class for work) and heard the news immediately. Shawn then asked me to get a picture. He suggested waiting until she's mad so I could try to get a picture of it when she's screaming. Well, I didn't think I would be able to do that very well as A - her lip tends to go up over her gums while crying and B - I don't think I could just stand there and take her picture while she's crying ... at least not yet. I also figured it was so tiny yet that it would be hard to photograph it.

While eating tonight (Wednesday) I did keep seeing a glimpse of it when Nessa opened her mouth for the spoon so I decided to try. After a few minutes I had many "almosts" and was very thankful for the digital camera. Those near misses kept me trying new things to get her to open her mouth wide as I learned to snap the photo *before* her mouth opened and at more of an angle.

Well, I finally think I captured it. At least on my computer screen I can see the glimmer of white pretty clearly through the sweet potatoes and drool. :-)

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