Monday, October 24, 2005

Nessa sleepy and waking up in stroller series

OK, these are just too cute not to share several of them... Nessa was sound asleep in the stroller after Shawn and I went to some area rummage sales so I ran and grabbed the camera for some quick photos and then Nessa woke up with the cutest looks ... and I don't even think I captured many of the half-asleep smiles.

A few Oct. Photos

Nessa and Daddy having fun. Nessa loves to fly and when her flower bib gets turned around we call her the amazing "flower girl." I believe drooling must have something to do with her super power!

Nessa eating with her "baby safe feeder."

Tami, Ahnika, and Megan carving pumpkins in the back yard last Saturday morning before going to a family reunion (10/15)

Nessa modeling her new T-shirt.

In case you're wondering

In case you're wondering (and even if you're not) ...

Nessa now has two teeth. I felt the second bottom tooth today so it popped out last night or this morning. Now that these two teeth have made an appearance maybe our nights and days will be more peaceful again -- or maybe not. Truthfully Nessa's nightimes have settled down a lot the last week or so. I guess when she watched me check out the _No Cry Sleep Solution_ from the library last week she knew she should consider listening when I sing "Nessa, go to sleep" at 3 a.m. On that note Shawn generously commented that while my lyrics aren't quite as creative as his, at least I don't write myself into a corner while singing to Nessa. Seriously, I'm grateful that a little (or a lot) of singing and some rocking of her Amby baby bed is usually all it takes to settle her back down when she wakes up or resists bed or naptime when we know she's tired and there's nothing else wrong.

Megan met her Girl Scout Cookie goal. Thank you to all of you who purchased cookies. Megan worked hard going door to door and also got pretty lucky that many people bought cookies at our various work places and social groups. Megan sold 380 cookies in all. The troop is also holding a cookie booth at Valley View mall on November 19th and the sales will be divided between all of the girls that help so her final total will be even higher. It will be very easy to say yes to Girl Scout Camp(s) this year. I have to admit that I'm a bit worried about what her goal will be next year though! -- Look for cookie delivery starting November 12th --

the squirrels are eating our jack o' lanterns. Okay, I don't think anyone is really wondering this, but I was going to post a cute picture of the girls and their pumpkins but now the pumpkins that were carved are totally destroyed and gross thanks to squirrels and warm weather. There are two pumpkins left that we didn't carve so maybe we'll have a chance to carve those yet so I can get some good pictures. This time I'll even let Nessa's pumpkin have teeth instead of insisting that it shouldn't ... Because now she has teeth! What a difference a couple of weeks makes.

Megan is going as a witch for Halloween. I have to admit that I don't get into Halloween as much as many people seem to and so I'm not doing much to dress up Nessa. I told Megan she should create a face to put on our orange stroller to turn it into a pumpkin, but she doesn't want to so if it's nice enough weather for Nessa to come along trick-or-treating then Nessa will simply be "Snug as a bug in a rug" as she has a lady bug outfit (note, she is NOT an Asian beetle) and I think when she's bundled up in her stroller blanket she's pretty cute just as she is. :-)

Nessa is moving ALL OVER now. Well, okay, she's not officially crawling but I can't imagine it will be too long as she does get up on her knees and rock a bit. As of this weekend though she has figured out how to get most places by rolling and pivoting. Once in awhile she'll get upset at rolling into the furniture or being somewhere she doesn't want to be but with a little help she generally gets back to where she wants to be. I keep noticing various toys that are meant to encourage babies to crawl, but I'm thinking our cats may be incentive enough as Nessa LOVES the cats. William is her favorite and at times just him walking by will get Nessa to shriek in delight. Nessa seems to think that cat years are pretty tasty too. We, of course, try to encourage her to be gentle, but we're also glad the cats know how to walk away from her. Ginger and Spats are quick move away or simply stay away as they're learning that she can now pull hair, but William often lingers and lets her "pet" him.

Nessa is a messy eater. In the past couple of weeks we've bought several "great" bibs but somehow food still ends up where it shouldn't be. I'm kind of wishing it was summer so I could just let her eat without clothes on and then wash her afterwards. I don't remember Megan ever being this messy so all of the stereotypical messy baby while eating scenarios are really a first for me. The bowl even went flying with a splat on the floor tonight. (This was my fault since I thought it was pretty empty (amazing how much went flying though) and that getting the suction cup off would entertain her for awhile. It took her about 2.3 seconds to get the bowl off the tray and another 1.6 to send it flying in style.) Now that her teeth are coming in I am cautious not to give her anything she can get big bites of such as her favorite -- apples. This is especially true since she doesn't really chew much yet. So, I'm glad we discovered the mesh baby feeder ( not where we got it but the best link I could find to explain it). With the mesh feeder she can feed herself many of the same foods we eat and I don't worry about her choking on pieces that are too big.

we had a wonderful weekend. It went too fast as usual, but was nice and relaxing. I picked Shawn up at the airport Thursday night and Nessa stayed up just enough past her bedtime to give Daddy some extra snuggles after seeing the shirt he brought her. We were both tired from the week though so we took it easy the next couple of days. We did manage to get a very good start on Christmas Shopping though (no one is more shocked than me ... usually I'm not even thinking about it yet) as well as have fun going to rummage sales and hanging out at home watching Nessa discover she can roll this way AND that way, and of course snuggling up watching movies after little girls go to bed. So many moments where we just appreciate each other.

So, there are a few things I've been meaning to update everyone on ... and then some. Although I'm sure I'm forgetting things too, so if there's something you're wondering, just ask. Shawn has been busy at work again as while he was gone they extended the code check-in deadline from this past week (why he was working so many hours before he left) to this Friday. This was both a good and bad thing of course as now he can get more done, but he gets to also work more hours. Luckily the deadline is Friday at noon so by early Friday afternoon we should be off to Cumberland to visit Grandpa and Grandma Groth.

Even though I'm not as "into Halloween" as many others I do appreciate all of the cute kids in their costumes so be sure to email us pics of all of your little ghosts and goblins. :-)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Can you see Nessa's first tooth?

Not bad for a one-handed of photo while trying to keep baby hands and food of the camera... click to enlarge

It was Tuesday afternoon and it was snack time for "the girls" (Many Tuesdays Megan has her three friends over after school). Nessa was in her high chair and I had warmed up one of her foods so I stirred it with my finger to test the temperature and then let her lick my finger ... for the first time it wasn't all gums. The lower left front tooth had popped through! I let Megan feel it after she washed her hands, and yep it was a tooth. :-)

Shawn, always good at timing, called right then (he's in CA for a training class for work) and heard the news immediately. Shawn then asked me to get a picture. He suggested waiting until she's mad so I could try to get a picture of it when she's screaming. Well, I didn't think I would be able to do that very well as A - her lip tends to go up over her gums while crying and B - I don't think I could just stand there and take her picture while she's crying ... at least not yet. I also figured it was so tiny yet that it would be hard to photograph it.

While eating tonight (Wednesday) I did keep seeing a glimpse of it when Nessa opened her mouth for the spoon so I decided to try. After a few minutes I had many "almosts" and was very thankful for the digital camera. Those near misses kept me trying new things to get her to open her mouth wide as I learned to snap the photo *before* her mouth opened and at more of an angle.

Well, I finally think I captured it. At least on my computer screen I can see the glimmer of white pretty clearly through the sweet potatoes and drool. :-)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Six months already?!?

Well, technically six months and five days already! I wanted to wait until we had the official weigh-in stats from her 6 month well check before posting. That was Wednesday and somehow it's Friday already!

So, for those keeping track Nessa is 18 pounds 7.5 ounces and 26.56 inches long.

As a side note several people have approached us in public asking us if she's a big baby. Shawn has decided I should tell them, 'No, she's a midget.' Instead, I just look at them blankly until they give her a compliment and move on.

It seems as if these months just keep going by faster and faster. I just looked back at my 5 month post and it seems like yesterday.

Most of Nessa's changes and accomplishments have been posted here as they happened this month with the exception of changes in her sleep schedule -- or current lack of schedule as the case may be. As she was turning five months I was just beginning to get used to her sleeping without being swaddled by the mighty miracle blanket ( (at 4 months I would have told you that I didn't think it would happen this year) and her sleep schedule was changing but she was still sleeping more than I had ever imagined a baby of mine sleeping. Suddenly at 6 months she's sleeps considerably less than she did just a couple of weeks ago. Who was it that said not to get used to her sleeping so well at night and napping for hours at a time? Oh yeah, it was me. I should have listened.

Nessa still chews and drools enough that everyone comments on her teething, but of course there are still no teeth to show for it (not that I'm complaining). She only rolls over slightly more now that she can than she did when she couldn't. She sits up unassisted for several minutes at a time, but only enjoys it if someone is on the floor interacting with her while she is sitting there. Nessa still LOVES to stand in her exersaucer to play with toys and watch Baby Einstein videos (and I'm getting over my mom guilt at letting her do it). Nessa also still loves to be carried in the pouch and will smile when I get it out when she's tired (I, on the other hand, am starting to feel her 18+ pounds when bouncing her to sleep in it).

It seems that Nessa learns to do new things with her toys nearly every day. The one "toy" I don't enjoy her playing with is my hair. If it were random pulling that would be one thing, but Nessa enjoys using my hair to pull herself up to a stand and then as a balance guide, and then after she's staning up with her face right up by my hair it must look really yummy as she chews on it every time. Luckily she now believes me that applesauce is a much better snack. I don't think I'll be able to convince her that it is not a delightfully convenient rope for a few years though.

And speaking of hair, Nessa's is growing. Of course we're the only ones that can tell that her hair has grown this month.

We love you Nessa and we can't wait to see what the next six months bring!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


We took the girls to Oktoberfest last night. After some good food we went on some rides and took a couple of silly pictures for your enjoyment.

Nessa enjoying her first carousel ride!

Our little festers!

I SAID *I* want to be the girl! ;-)