Saturday, December 30, 2006
Sick days ...
Now, when I'm sick I really do feel that bad, and it sucks. I still moan and groan (ask my super sweet husband who graciously takes care of me!) and stay in my pajamas but it's just not any fun at all. And as soon as I feel the slightest bit better I start thinking about all of the things I should be doing! When I do get back to work it takes me much longer than an hour to catch up on what I missed. And don't even get me started on how the laundry accumulates!
Yes, I had a sick day on Wednesday which was probably the worst day to have a sick day since it was after a long weekend and a vacation day so I was already behind at work (nobody does my work when I'm not here ... it's one of those jobs). So, here it is the Saturday of New Years weekend and I'm at work while Nessa and Shawn are off "running errands." You know, errands like using the gift card he got for Christmas ... that kind of thing. :-)
You know what else sucks? Work deadlines at the end of the year!
Friday, December 29, 2006
If you're still seeing dots here ...
If you're reading this and you have a blog or other site you would like me to link to, please let me know!
Here’s to a great new year!
Christmas Eve at our house
Grandma and Grandpa arrived mid afternoon and we finished cleaning between chatting with them. Then it was time to get ready for 4 p.m. church. This was the first time in my memory that we've gone to this particular church service at our church. We were not prepared for how full church would be. We should have left the house at about 3 p.m. instead of 3:40 p.m. (if you don't know, we leave about 2 minutes from church). Church was PACKED and we ended up sitting outside and actually a bit to the right of the Sanctuary on extra chairs, but there was still lots for Nessa to see and she did fabulous sitting through the service. Well, actually she climbed up and down and all over ME for the service, but she was still very good considering we haven't attempted to have her sit through an entire service since she started walking! It was a wonderful service with lots of my favorite songs and a great sermon/kids sermon (all in one this time) that Megan got to participate in.
After church it was time to go home, attempt to take family photos before one or both of the girls decided it was time to not be wearing their dresses anymore, make and eat food .... AND open one present. Our tradition is to let the girls open one present on Christmas Eve and it's always fun watching Megan decide which one to open. This year she technically got to open two since Grandma also gave her one to open.
See how Nessa is watching intently?
By the way Nessa got that beautiful rocking chair from Grandma and Grandpa.
Oh, look it's Baby Polly! (The American Girl Felicity's baby sister). Thank you Grandma!
And Nessa say, oh look it's a little baby doll just the right size for ME!
After Nessa hugged, cuddled, drooled on, and totally loved up Baby Polly, we had Megan quickly put her in her room so that she would remain "Megan's doll" rather than being "adopted" by Nessa. I think that was Nessa's favorite present though! (When I post about Christmas morning you'll know what I mean!)
After Nessa was off to bed, Shawn and I headed out for a later Church Service while Megan had some quality time with Grandpa and Grandma. Megan was pushing us out the door so I think we left at 8:40 for the 9 p.m. service, we walked and I was wearing heals so it may have taken us 5 rather than 2 minutes ... we could have left at 8:58 and still sat in the front (or the back if that's your preference) for this service!
Then it was time for Megan to leave cookies out for Santa and convince herself it was indeed possible to fall asleep on Christmas Eve. :-)
And all through the house, not a creature was stirring ...
... except Santa's helpers of course.
Adorable girls
Regardless of why the dresses were selected, our girls sure looked adorable on Christmas Eve!
Grandma and Grandpa time!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Chinese Cats
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
And the Shepherds watched their flocks by night
And the Shepherds watched their flocks by night
Well, in this case they were watching their sheep (cute costumed children) in the morning and the only star was the "shining star" that the "star angel" pulls along a pully from the back of the church to the front of the church ...
Megan was a shepherd in the church Christmas program last Sunday. This was her second year as a shepherd so she is getting pretty good at it, but next year (and probably every year she's in the program) she really, really, really wants to be the "star angel."
If you're wondering, Megan is the tallest shepherd.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Last Sunday Nessa and Megan decorated the Christmas tree (mom helped a little but seriously I only moved maybe two ornaments and helped Nessa actually get the string loop actually over the branch a few times).
Megan is making sure her stocking and the other mantle ornaments are in just the right place.
Also, if you look at Megan's pony tail here you can see just how much hair she had cut off yesterday!
haircut photos
Holiday haircuts
It has become a tradition for Megan and I to get our hair cut during the week before Christmas ... and this year Nessa got to join us.
Unfortunately due to bad scheduling on my part Shawn did not get to join us (bad not because he needed a haircut but because this meant it was just Megan and I to watch Nessa and I was getting my hair colored as well as cut!). I was so worried about having lots of treats and surprise toys with me that I forgot to bring the camera! So, I did take a picture of Nessa's new hair style (no more bangs in the eyes) this morning and will upload that as soon as I can, but we have no first hair cut pictures. :-(
But then again would I want pictures of this hair cut experience? Nessa actually got her hair cut while she was sitting on my lap while I was under the dryer with hair color and that nifty shower cap thing on ... not a pretty picture ... trust me on that one. My wonderful hair stylist did a wonderful job as Nessa kept turning her head in all sorts of directions! Then it was Megan's turn and Megan decided that it was time to cut off all of her hair that had grown in the last year. She cut off 7 or 8 inches! She looks fabulous in her cute new style ... and again a picture was taken this morning and will be added to the blog as soon as I can get to it ... but I thought you might all want an update on the adventures of our house this week before that. :-)
By the time we left the salon Nessa had spilled apple juice down her front, had green sugar cookie crumbs all over her face and had a little hair (likely Megan's) sticking to her from her attempts at helping to sweep the area. Nessa had also treated us (luckily only one other customer) to her tantrum shrieks when her cookie, water, juice, and several other items were not handed to her in exactly the right way. (She turns into a pumpkin at about 7 p.m. when not at home these days ... my apt. was at 6:15 ... we left about 7:45 ...). Megan did a great job helping to entertain her, but at some point even a side ways glance can set her off ... and without hair in her eyes she could actually see, so ...
Now the "secret" is out ... our beautiful and ever so intelligent girl is all about expressing her own independent needs and NOT about accommodating the rest of us. Thankfully Megan did not hold Nessa's behavior against her and this morning for the first time it was not Mommy or Daddy that Nessa wanted, but Megan. Yes, only Nessa's sister would do when it came to getting dressed and eating breakfast. It was actually quite sweet. I kept hovering nearby waiting for sudden change toddlers are so famous for, but instead or morning flowed nearly flawlessly!
Oh, and to add some humor to the tantrums and "pre" tantrum, Nessa's new favorite word is "ENOUGH." Nessa uses it just like "no" as she picked it up from me saying "enough" as in "that's enough" when either of the girls are doing something that they need to stop doing ... so now she tells me things like "enough diapers." And you can imagine my thoughts at that sentiment.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
"I'm not a baby"
As I go around the car to the side where Nessa's car seat is she starts fussing and wiggling and fussing and babbling and we keep hearing "baby" but can't figure it out, and then:
"I'm not a baby!"
Shawn and I looked at each other and Shawn verified that that is indeed what it sounded like!
I was stunned, but did quickly manage to bounce up and down to "one, two, three, Weeee" and get Nessa safely in the car seat for the short trip to daycare. During the two block drive Shawn and I were still in shock at how clearly Nessa had expressed herself and assumed she meant she didn't want to be in the car seat because she was not a a baby. Later, I wondered if (maybe?) she merely wanted to get into her seat by herself rather than being put in the seat. At least that's what I'm hoping because I certainly don't want to be fighting this carseat battle for the next, oh, 7 years or so!
This is just one example of how Nessa is indeed learning to express herself ... and a few of them are a little less tantrum like! :-)
Yes, our little girl is most definitely not a baby anymore ... and as usual that makes mommy both smile and sniffle.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Our Christmas Song
Just In Time For Christmas
(as sung by Nancy LaMott)
They had decked the malls and trimmed the town with plastic trees
Til the world was just a giant retail maze.
Tis the season when you turn your thoughts to people you can’t please,
When you measure passing time in shopping days.
And the holidays were something to get through
But the thing I hadn’t counted on was you.
Just in time for Christmas, you came along.
Just in time for Christmas, when everything felt wrong
And I was sure my faith had all run out.
Just in time for Christmas, you showed me what Christmas is about.
What I needed most could not be bought at any price.
I was far too disillusioned then to see
I was going through the motions--made a list and checked it twice
But forgot to write down anything for me.
But my long-unspoken wishes had been heard
And an unexpected miracle occurred.
Just in time for Christmas, one silent night,
Just in time for Christmas, you filled my life with light
And there was joy where there had once been doubt.
Just in time for Christmas, you showed me what Christmas is about.
And all at once the bells began to ring
And hark, the herald, I heard angels sing!
Who am I to resist their call?
You brought me the greatest gift of all.
And now my spirits sing!
Just in time, my heart is caroling.
From deep within my soul I want to shout:
Just in time for Christmas,
Just in time for Christmas,
Just in time for Christmas, you showed me what Christmas is about.
Tami, thank you for loving me, for marrying me, and for showing me what Christmas is all about.
Love, always and forever,
Seeing Santa 2006
The line to see Santa goes alongside the reindeer pen, so we got to watch the reindeer chasing each other around while waiting. Just before you go into Santa's hut, there is an elf who asks the children's names and gives them a button and a candy cane. Nessa has cottoned on to the sugary, sticky delights of candy canes, so as soon as the elf handed her one, she was all over that. Nothing would do but that she got that candy cane open, and I mean right now.
I was trying to open one end for her so she could suck on it while holding the wrapper (so she wouldn't get all sticky--I'm such a parent sometimes), but Nessa wasn't having any of that. She was still trying to get the rest of the wrapper off as she went in and sat down by Santa. Megan told Santa what she wanted, and then Santa asked what Nessa wanted. Having finally removed the wrapper, Nessa realized that this man was talking to her. Now, I'm not sure if Nessa thought that Santa wanted it, or if she was trying to be good and give it to an adult, or if Santa was simply convenient...but once Santa had her attention, Nessa handed him the wrapper! I was trying not to laugh too hard to keep taking pictures. Santa very kindly accepted the wrapper (I relieved him of it on our way out) and Nessa was happy.
They also have a large sleigh in the park for taking family pictures. Nessa was getting fussy by that point and didn't want to sit still, but Megan was glad to get her picture taken in the sleigh.
We weren't able to spend as much time walking around and seeing the lights as we wanted, because Nessa was tired and cranky. I took her back to the car while Tami and Megan took an abbreviated route around the rest of the park. At least we got to see Santa!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Nessa Knows... to count from 1 to 10 (mostly) and say almost half of her ABC's. Driving home yesterday from a big family gathering, Nessa was just talking in her car seat when she suddenly burst out with "One! Two! Free Foh Five Six Seben! Eight Ten!" A minute or so later she said "A B C D E F G H I J" before losing steam. She repeated the A-J sequence twice more before we got home, so she definitely has that much memorized.
Letters are a big deal to Nessa these days. Whenever we're driving around she'll announce letters that she sees on signs. If you point to a letter and ask her what it is she'll tell you (lower or uppercase for most of them). She loves a Winnie-the-Pooh ABC's book that we've gotten from the library a few times, so much so that we need to buy her a copy. She's working on expressing more complex concepts when she talks and stringing more words together. The changes are still subtle and very incremental at this point, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear a blossoming in the near future.
Toddler Tales
On Wednesday evening Nessa was playing with an empty laundry basket, trying to get inside. She's not quite tall enough, so she was taking a few spills and occasionally getting hit by the basket. After the second or third fall she started crying. Tami asked if she wanted help and Nessa said "No!" quite distinctly as she was trying again. Things got worse and the crying got louder, so I headed into the living room asking if Daddy could help. Nessa held out her hand with the palm forward in the universal symbol for stop and said "No!" (among other things). When I retreated, she turned around and, still crying, started babbling at the laundry basket. I swear she was cussing out that laundry basket and giving it a piece of her mind! She was not a happy camper. Then, five minutes later, she was quietly reading her books, happy as could be. Wish I could get things out of my system that easily...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Christmas photos!?!
Walker actually has a holiday celebration the Friday after Thanksgiving so we went to the parade that night (thankfully it wasn't too cold) as well as doing a little holiday shopping in downtown Walker Friday. Saturday we celebrated with good food and lots of presents. Nessa even decided it was fun to open presents after the first couple that we had to help her with (she had been told they were "pretty" and off limits before that).
We had a great time and even the drive up and back wasn't too bad as Nessa slept a lot and was happy most of the time when she wasn't sleeping. When both girls were awake they had fun counting or saying the alphabet together. When Megan says the alphabet with Nessa she will say each letter and then wait for Nessa to say it and then after "Z" Nessa says "again, again."
The one thing I realize now that we didn't do was get a picture of Grandpa and Grandma with the girls. :-( I'll blame that on my not feeling well as a cold and cough was definitely setting in all weekend, but really we've just become really bad at remembering to take group pictures lately ... next time!