I thought I would quickly fill in a few details to go with all the photos.
We don't have an official weight or length update, but I'm guessing around 20 pounds and over 27 inches. She continues to grow out of clothes and we recently were able to move the exersaucer to the new setting so now she can take advantage of making it rock back and forth.
Oh, Nessa's hair is growing too! In fact, you can even tell she has hair from a distance now! (I need to point out though that her hair does not look as red in person as it does in photos so we're not actually sure that she'll be a red head yet ... I'm betting on something close to strawberry blond though.)
Nessa has also been growing teeth and I hope you're able to notice them in a few of the photos now. It's just priceless when she flashes that incredible toothy grin at us. In fact, it's such a cute grin that it makes me a little less sad that the days of the gummy smile are gone. Now that her two bottom teeth are in, I seem to check constantly to see if any more are making an appearance, but I know she could be working on them quite awhile before they actually make an appearance.
With all of the growing she's doing it's a good thing Nessa is getting pretty good at eating as well. She still nurses about as often as she did a month ago, but I think she's learning that other foods can fill her tummy and quench her thirst as well because when I'm busy trying to make supper I can often (but by no means always!) distract her with something yummy in her high chair. She is definitely developing favorites in both taste and texture and we're starting to catch on to what they are while looking forward to when she can actually tell us.
Nessa is also burning some of those new food calories with her own little baby workout regiment. Her baby crunches (head and legs up) are still a favorite along with the addition of rolling, squirming, pivoting, and slithering herself into a corner that she can't get out of. We've even seen more than a little knee action which frankly worries us as we're hoping that the real crawling holds off until after Thanksgiving when we have a chance to really rearrange the family room (getting rid of some more furniture in order to do it). I feel somewhat comforted in the fact that she likes to make these transitions somewhat slowly whether it's learning new things or giving up old things (like her pacifier which hasn't been used for about a month now).
Nessa continues to delight us in so many ways and we love watching her many moods and curious nature as she explores the world around her.